Match Report
Radley College 7th XI vs  Stowe School Boys-U18C
On: Saturday, 13 Jan 2024
Venue: at Home

Alex Weaver, established wordsmith of the Radley College 7ths:

In Radley fields, the 7ths will fight,

against Stowe's best, they all unite.

3 goals scored, 5-3 to Stowe,

One Wags, Christian and one of their own.

For most of the game, Christian wasn’t with it,

but at least he scored in the last minute.

Wagstaff, playing well on attack,

Colm, butter fingers, like they were dipped in Lurpak.

From the jaws of defeat, victory we aimed to snatch,

Colm, big mouth, open wide goal to match.

Mustafa's leadership kept the team together,

Our captain, we couldn’t have asked for better.

Ramsden and Charlie, our defence was sound,

But Gaya spent half the match on the ground.

Spike, reliable, playing midfield,

Keep playing like that and results shall yield.